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Personal Data storage at Proxyprinters.com


As a company selling custom MTG Proxy cards online, Proxyprinters.com collects personal data information from its customers to process orders and deliver products. This information may include name, address, email address, and payment information

Proxyprinters.com uses this information solely for these purposes and does not share it with any third parties unless required by law. The company takes steps to ensure that the personal data it collects is stored securely and protected from unauthorized access or disclosure. Customers may also have the option to provide additional information, such as their preferred card designs or customization requests, which may be used to improve the customer experience. Proxyprinters.com may also use cookies and similar technologies to enhance its website and services, such as remembering customer preferences or tracking website usage for analytics purposes. The company is committed to complying with applicable data protection laws and regulations and providing transparency to its customers regarding its use of personal data. If you have any questions about our Personal Data storage, please visit our Contact page for any questions.

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