We get a lot of questions from our customers and here are some answers to the most frequently asked

Q: What is Proxyprinters.com?

A: Proxyprinters.com is an online marketplace that sells MTG Proxy cards, which are replica cards made to look and feel like authentic MTG cards, but are not officially produced by Wizards of the Coast.

Q: Are proxy cards legal?

A: It depends on how they are used. While it is legal to create and own proxy cards for personal use, it is illegal to use them in sanctioned tournaments or to sell them as authentic MTG cards. Proxyprinters.com is transparent about the fact that their cards are not authentic, and therefore they are not breaking any laws.

Q: Are the proxy cards sold by Proxyprinters.com high quality?

A: Yes, we takes pride in their high-quality printing and materials, which make our proxies difficult to distinguish from authentic MTG cards. We also offer a satisfaction guarantee, so if customers are not happy with their purchase, they can request a refund or replacement.

Q: Is it safe to purchase proxy cards from Proxyprinters.com?

A: Yes, Proxyprinters.com is a legitimate and trustworthy website . We have our office and printing studio in Los Angeles. We use secure payment methods, such as PayPal, to ensure that customers' personal and financial information is protected. Additionally, we have +1 000 satisfied customers all over the states that aree generally satisfied with their products and services.

Q: Can I use proxy cards in sanctioned MTG tournaments?

A: No, using proxy cards in sanctioned tournaments is against the rules of the game. However, many players use proxy cards for casual play or in "proxy-only" tournaments, which allow players to use proxy cards instead of authentic ones.

Q: Is Proxyprinters.com affiliated with Wizards of the Coast?

A: No, Proxyprinters.com is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast or any other official MTG product manufacturer. We are an independent business that creates and sells replica MTG cards for personal and non-sanctioned use. Overall, Proxyprinters.com is a legitimate and reputable website for purchasing high-quality proxy MTG cards. However, it is important to note that the use of proxy cards in sanctioned tournaments is against the rules of the game, and purchasing and using proxy cards should be done responsibly and within the limits of the law.

If you have any more questions, feel free to send us an e-mail to info@proxyprinters.com. We will get back within 24 hours, guaranteed. High 5!
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